30 Seconds - Travel Channel

30 Seconds - Travel Channel

Travel Channel Lead

Started Role
May 2018

Team Leadership
Social Media Management

I began as an occasional contributor to the 30seconds.com site. Within in a few months I was asked to take the lead in the growth and development of the Travel page. My role is to help recruit other contributors to the channel to give the readership more inspiration, stories, tips and ideas for travel related stories. Finding the right people who are relatable to the 30seconds.com audience and share the passion for travel that I desire in page contributors is one of my priorities. The continuity of the page and the voice is imperative to me as I help to grow the Travel Channel.

Writing stories and hosting Twitter chats are a part of my role which I love. Connecting with the readers and audience inspires my writing and vision for the page. Each month I develop a schedule of balanced stories to engage the readers.

As lead of the Travel Channel growing our social media exposure is a priority. I work to help promote the travel channel stories on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Doing this allows me to help promote other writers, and connect with the travel community in a way that helps 30seconds.com growth and exposure.  The longer I work with 30seconds.com the more opportunities I see for the travel page to grow, generate more income and inspire our readers. 

Franklin Goose Website

Franklin Goose Website

Franklin Goose


This was a 9 year long project. It began by developing the asthetics of the original website, working closely with the engineers and designer to implement every detail of developing the branding, layout and functionality of Franklin Goose and it's products. What began as an e-commerce only site had to be developed to also become a brick and mortar POS built from the ground up. My job was to envision, explain and test each new function of the site. During this time I also worked diligently to develop the product descriptions, integration with shipping companies and fulfillment centers as well as independent manufacturers who were able to register on our site and upload their own products (similar to the Amazon model). 

The website grew and changed 3 times during the 9 years each time I was in charge of overseeing the changes, the vision and the communication with the engineering teams to make sure integration, branding and functionality were perfect. 

Franklin Goose was twice built from the ground up and grew to a site with over 5,000 products, 1,000's of customers, a custom baby registry to rival Babies R Us and Target. It was also a robust POS system for a brick and mortar selling over 600,000.00 per year in store. 

While the challenges were great I loved the challenge, and could not have been prouder of the end result.

The Warmack Group Blog

The Warmack Group Blog

The Warmack Group


When I was hired by the Warmack Group it was to manage their social media and help to develop regular blog posts which were meant to inform their clients, promote their listings, and build a library of posts for them to use to build sales and listings. 

Quickly I began developing blog topics and schedules for blogging, and social media posts for their advertising. While I worked as a ghost writer for the owner Matt Warmack I took great pride in speaking in the company voice and helping to build on the brand they had already begun to establish. 

Franklin Goose Blog

Franklin Goose Blog

Franklin Goose


Developing and growing the Franklin Goose blog was one of the best experiences I have had. The object was to educate, inform and excite the customers of Franklin Goose. We began the blog before blogging was that popular and covered all topics about organic living and parenting. The blog grew to thousands of followers throughout the years. We helped to promote small businesses, great products, and the organic living Franklin Goose was known for. Eventually I oversaw 2 other women who wrote for the blog as well. We worked as a team to develop blog topics, ideas and contests to help grow the Franklin Goose brand. 

I learned so much from writing the blog from the early days of blogging when some knowledge of CSS and HTML were required to build and customize our blog. It was an amazing learning experience for me and a challenge I will always be grateful for. 

Artist Bio and Mission Statement "Dawn Fetty"

Artist Bio and Mission Statement "Dawn Fetty"

Dawn Fetty Fine Art


Dawn Fetty hired me to help develop an Artist Bio she could use not only on her website but at her gallery showings and awards events. I interviewed Dawn on several occasions to get a complete understanding not only of her career but of what art truly means to her, and of who she is as an artist and a woman. All of these interviews enabled me to write a bio which not only describes her and her work perfectly but helps to express what her goals and motivations are. She has used this bio for 15 years as she has grown as an artist. 

While it was similar to interviewing someone for a magazine article it was a more personal project as it had to artistically express who she is and what motivates her in order to help promote her as a brand. 

Style Weekly Article "A Moveable Feast"

Style Weekly Article "A Moveable Feast"

Style Weekly


I was hired by Style Weekly to write a variety of articles. Their mission was to uncover all the great people, events, architectures, fashion and politics of Richmond, Virginia. Each article I was assigned I was responsible for setting up interviews, writing articles, and often attending the photo shoots. 

I loved the experience of meeting new people, learning their stories, visiting their homes or businesses and sharing it with the citizens of Richmond. 

Style weekly is the most widely read publication in the Richmond area. 

Style Weekly Article "Home Front: Shields Market Reborn"

Style Weekly Article "Home Front: Shields Market Reborn"

Style Weekly


I was hired by Style Weekly to write a variety of articles. Their mission was to uncover all the great people, events, architectures, fashion and politics of Richmond, Virginia. Each article I was assigned I was responsible for setting up interviews, writing articles, and often attending the photo shoots. 

I loved the experience of meeting new people, learning their stories, visiting their homes or businesses and sharing it with the citizens of Richmond. 

Style weekly is the most widely read publication in the Richmond area. 

Style Weekly "Elements of Style" Article

Style Weekly "Elements of Style" Article

Style Weekly


I was hired by Style Weekly to write a variety of articles. Their mission was to uncover all the great people, events, architectures, fashion and politics of Richmond, Virginia. Each article I was assigned I was responsible for setting up interviews, writing articles, and often attending the photo shoots. 

I loved the experience of meeting new people, learning their stories, visiting their homes or businesses and sharing it with the citizens of Richmond. 

Style weekly is the most widely read publication in the Richmond area. 

More Magazine - Travel Articles

More Magazine - Travel Articles



I pitched the idea of writing a series of wine articles for More magazine. My job was to visit various wineries in the Tuscan regions, interview the owners and the wine makers. I was to sample the different wines, share the recommendations, pairings and overall flavors with the readers. I was also charged with providing photos for the articles. 

This was an incredible experience for me, each article was to be about 2000 words and provide photos of each experience to inspire the readers to travel, and understand different types of wine. 

I was responsible for finding the wineries, setting up interviews, and connecting each of the articles to create a cohesive series. 

Lucca Grapevine Magazine in Lucca, Italy

Lucca Grapevine Magazine in Lucca, Italy

Lucca Grapevine Magazine


My job with the Grapevine magazine was to develop my own ideas and stories for each month of the publication while I was living in Italy. I was responsible for providing the photography to accompany each article as well. 

I loved this job, not only because it was my first job but because each experience and article provided me with the opportunity to promote local entrepreneurs, lesser known events but also some of the political hot topics of the time. I was consistently approached by expats and tourists about how my articles had informed them of things they didn't know existed in the region. This made my job with Grapevine even more rewarding.